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Barbara Elliott Adams has worked in some form of art since crayons and fingerpaints in childhood. When her 5 children were out of the nest, she began, more in earnest, to apply the latent talent within (a talent inherited from her mother). She made and sold porcelain St. Nicholas figures, with which to celebrate Christmas, for twenty years; she then turned to sculpture, studying at the ELISABET NEY CONSERVATORY in Austin. For the last 6 years she has been studying oil painting under Mary Watkins. Still Life has become her joy, but portraiture is a life’s goal.

In 2005, Barbara won “Best Oil Painting” in a juried national competition at Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C. for her painting of the U.S.S. Constitution. In addition, she was awarded the Evelyn Cole Peters Award for Excellence for “best overall artwork” at that same show. Her work was exhibited locally (in Austin) at the Adams Avenue Gallery in 2007 in a one man show.

An upcoming show, with several local artists, is scheduled for December, 2009, at Bass Concert Hall.

CONTACT: Barbara may be contacted at or P.O. Box 5760, Austin, TX 78763.



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